Monday, June 25, 2012

Email source

I got three emails today. Two of them ended by telling me they were sent from an i phone. Do I really need to know that? Who gives a crap?Am I supposed to be impressed?Does Apple really need this kind of marketing? They already account for 22% of the GDP. A famous actress even named her daughter "Apple" (I guess I'm old school. I named my kids "fax machine" and "Windows 95")
Anyway,  I don't care if you sent it from your fancy high tech gadget while on a bullet train to work, drinking your girlie Starbucks drink or from your crummy Pentium three desktop from 1996 complete with 14" CRT monitor, in your basement, drinking nuked three day old coffee.
 Now if you're sending me an email from a nuclear submarine at the bottom of the arctic ocean about to launch world war three at Russia, feel free to brag to me about the source of your email. At the end of that email you can say "this email sent from the bottom of the sea moments before the end of the world". Now that would be impressive.
By the way, definition of a "girlie" Starbucks drink - Any coffee that contains one or more of the following and is purchased by a man: whipped cream, nutmeg, cinnamon, steamed milk, flavored syrup or sprinkles. If you are a girl, it is okay to have a "girlie" drink. Hot chocolate is exempt from this as there is no coffee involved.
If you are a girl , don't be offended by "girlie" drinks. Everyone knows that women are better than men, so men have to be tough and manly.
So, when men get their 200 degree coffee they should forgo the use of sleeves on their cups. Just grab that cup and let your hand sizzle and the flesh will melt just enough to help the cup stick to your hand.
Final note - Paul inspired me to write today.


Sharon said...

TOO TRUE! (And funny!)

Cleverroos said...

Thanks for the mention! It's great to read your blog again. I always get a chuckle and often read out loud to Rosemary. You're always the cream cheese to my Melba Toast.