Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bought and paid for

Stopping corruption in our government could very well be the most important issue of our time.
The power of Lobbying and the money they spread is hard to contain.
One possible solution involves allowing them to deal out as much money as they desire, but control the congress and senate.
When a judge finds that he/she has a personal connection in a case then he/she must recuse themself from the case.
Since campaign contributions must be accounted for it is easy see which office holders have received donations from which lobbies.
When a bill comes up for a vote, the senators or congresspersons who received donations from a lobby directly affected by said bill must recuse themselves from voting on the bill.
This way a lobby gets to plead their case, but not influence the outcome with money, but only the soundness of their arguement.
There should also be a limit on how many times each year that a senator or congressman may recuse themselves without penalty.
Possibly if they recuse themselves in more than 5% of the bills voted on each year, they should be fired from their position and lose their pension. The reason being, that if they are receiving that many campaign donations, then they are in business for themselves rather than taking care of constituents business and doing what they are elected to do.

1 comment:

Roos said...

Here's my idea to fix the process and effectiveness of the federal legislative bodies. They say they "serve" the public. If true why do we pay them forever? If you haven't noticed the only question a senator or congressman asks is "Will this get me re-elected?" and they only vote for it of the answer is yes.

So, set the term at 10 years, one time only and elect 20% of them every 2 years. Then they are free to vote for what helps America rather than be worried about re-election.

The executive branch would be exempt but may benefit from some similar rules. I'll think about it.
